Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Welcome to curiosity world!

Some of you know how much I love taking pictures. Even better, you know I really LOVE writing, and both things at the same time are just wonderful. So yes, I could not be still anymore.
It has been one and a half year since I moved to Birmingham. Most of you may think this city has not got a lot to offer, that it is industrial and ugly, and there is nothing to do - but I MUST say: this city keeps surprising me every single day. You never know when you are going to find something new, even in your way to work, something that has been always there and you did not realised before. You never know what kind of new people you are going to meet, or if the ones you already know are going to amaze you. 
Occasional sunny days, small details, landscapes, events, people... These are some of the things I want to share with you, and you will get one picture per day. Because, my dear friend, Birmingham is not only a nice library, some canals, universities and dark streets. 
I hope you like what you will see - and if you do not, I am sorry, you are already here!

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